A good private investigator….Do they exist?
To anyone looking for their “perfect” private investigator you may want to stop looking because you may not find one.
A good investigator will be the one that is suitable for you and the needs that you require. Finding the right private investigator can however be tricky and may result in ringing around – but don’t be afraid to ask any questions you may have.
You need to be able to feel confident in the answers you receive which will ultimately be apart of your decision making. No one can tell a good investigator from a bad investigator . However, what you can do is ask questions, get referrals, ensure that the private investigator is licensed, find out how long they have been in the industry. Ideally you want an investigator that ticks all the boxes, which in turn will make you feel more secure in your decision. Don’t be afraid – ask the questions.
My thoughts: licensed private investigators that have the top of the range surveillance equipment, professionalism, a top distinguished website , fancy business cards and outlook may not always be able to fill your requirements. As the old saying goes; “They can talk the talk but can’t walk the walk.”. There is a possibility that they may even take your money and run. It can happen and has been known too. Do your research, make sure you are dealing with a registered business using licensed investigators. Ensuring peace of mind and giving you the confidence in your private investigation selection.
Know that the difference between a good private investigator and a bad one is – experience or lack there of. This could mean the difference between working with an ethical person who conducts your business professionally and someone that may not have clear concept of your needs and/or rips you off.