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How NOT to conduct foot surveillance

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Being a private investigator isn’t easy, nor is any job that you watch from afar or read up about. Being a private investigator takes time and patience. Dedication is key in pursuing the dream of being a successful investigator. Not everyone has a talent for it.

On a training session with potential new investigators, it was easy to see the difference between an experienced investigator and a not so experienced investigator. Some had great potential and some had no idea at all. One particular candidate was required to follow a subject for training purposes. He was literally two feet away from the person of interest, following him like a shadow. Dead give-away within the first 60 seconds. Case has been compromised, you might as well go home.

As silly and amusing as this scenario may sound, in reality it’s a no go. Not only will you immediately get caught or questioned, you most probably will blow the whole case or put yourself in harm’s way.

To conduct a pursuit you have got to think on your feet, keep a fair but reasonable distance, always be aware of your surroundings, act as normal as can be and expect the unexpected. Turning up to conduct a foot surveillance in a long spy trench coat and deerstalker hat on a warm day isn’t going to work.

A very wise man who is also a long standing private eye said, “You want to be a good private investigator? Then start thinking like a criminal”. A wise tip.

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