If you’re going through divorce, you have our sympathies. It’s one of the most wrenching things a person can go through. But life gets even harder when you have deal with hidden assets in divorce.
Cheating Investigations
How to use communication to prevent infidelity
What causes affairs? Lack of intimacy and unsatisfying sex is what most people think of. But poor communication is actually a bigger cause of infidelity.
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Listen to your feelings if you think your husband is having an affair
If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s to listen to your feelings if you think your partner or husband might be having an affair.
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Understanding how affairs can start
One of the most common reasons people contact Melbourne Investigations is suspecting their husband or wife is having an affair. Sadly, some people cheat in their relationships. When a cheating partner does get caught, they always try to justify their actions, and tell their partner that it was because something was lacking in their relationship.
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5 reasons women have affairs
The stereotype is that men are the ones who sometimes become unfaithful and cheat. But our Melbourne cheating investigators are sometimes called in to discover whether a woman is having an affair too.
The reasons women cheat can be more complicated and diverse than men. They don’t always do it just because they can – they may have deeper reasons.